
Produced by: Pix
Website: Vecalabeth @ Pix’s Origin Adventures

A port of Akalabeth for the Vectrex32 game cartridge.
Vecalabeth is a port of Richard Garriott’s Akalabeth for the Vectrex32 game cartridge, which is a 32-bit computer that, when connected to a Vectrex console, takes over processing duties and enables the system to run more processor-intensive programs…even programs written in BASIC.
Pix, then, has taken it upon himself to port Akalabeth — for which the BASIC source code is available — and is aiming to produce a more or less faithful re-creation of the title. A few changes have been made along the way; the dungeon generation algorithm now adds empty blocks, and traps are about half as likely to appear in the game. At present, the port is in a beta state, although Pix asserts that it can be completed…and that it isn’t quite the difficult slog that the original version was.
Obviously, to play Vecalabeth, you will need a Vectrex32 cartridge and a compatible console. That makes for a very limited audience, so if you do pick up and play Vecalabeth, please let Pix know.
1 Response
[…] If you want to grab a copy of Vecalabeth to try for yourself, you can do so at Pix’s website, or from the newly-minted project entry here at the Codex. […]